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- 2012 год: №1 , №2 , №3 , №4 , №5 , №6 , №7 , №8 , №9 , №10 , №11 , №12

Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences
ISSN: 2226-1184
Издательство: учредитель издания Плыгун Сергей Анатольевич / Editor-in-Chief: Sergey Plygun (Associate Professor)
Год основания: 2012
Выпусков в год: 12
Страна: Россия
Город: Орел
Выпуски журнала:
О журнале:
новаторских подходах к сельскохозяйственному производству и социально-экономическому развитию. Журнал RJOAS издается на английском языке.
Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences (RJOAS) is an interdisciplinary open access journal of agriculture and socio-economic studies. The journal aims at establishing a bridge between theory and practice in the fields of agriculture and socio-economic research. It reports on the latest research findings innovative approaches for agriculture production and socio-economic development. Topical coverage includes: agriculture and rural development, agricultural economics, management, agribusiness, agrarian policy, information systems, social economy and rural sociology.
Редакционная коллегия:
Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences Victor Sheveluha Russian State Agrarian University, http://www.timacad.ru Moscow, Russia
Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences Vladimir Kashin The Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, http://www.rashn.ru Moscow, Russia
Professor, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences Otari Didmanidze
Moscow State Agroengineering University, http://www.msau.ru Moscow, Russia
Scientific officer, Doctor in biology Andrei Orlinski European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO/OEPP), http://www.eppo.int Paris, France
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Windisch TUM Technische Universitat Munchen, http://lte.wzw.tum.de Freising, Germany
Professor, Dr. Sait Engindeniz Ege University, http://www.ege.edu.tr Bornova-Izmir, Turkey
Professor, Russian Federation Honored Scientist Vasily Lobkov Orel State Agrarian University, http://www.orelsau.ru Orel, Russia
Professor, Russian Federation Honored Scienitist Anatoly Stifeev Kursk State Agricultural Academy, http://www.kgsha.ru Kursk, Russia
Professor Andrey Paptsov All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, http://www.vniiesh.ru Moscow, Russia
Professor Vasily Duborezov All-Russian Research Institute of Animal Industries, http://www.vij.ru Moscow, Russia
Professor Viktor Soloshenko Kursk State Agricultural Academy, http://www.kgsha.ru Kursk, Russia
Professor Alexander Gurin Orel State Agrarian University, http://www.orelsau.ru Orel, Russia
Professor Andrey Mamaev Orel State Agrarian University, http://www.orelsau.ru Orel, Russia
Professor Larisa Gorina Tolgiatti State University, http://www.tltsu.ru Togliatti, Russia
Professor Zinaida Ilyina Kursk State Agricultural Academy, http://www.kgsha.ru Kursk, Russia
Professor Elena Toropova Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, http://nsau.edu.ru Novosibirsk, Russia
Professor Yuri Kirichenko Moscow State Mining University, http://www.msmu.ru Moscow, Russia
Professor Julia Plekhova Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod - National Research University, http://www.unn.ru Nizhni Novgorod, Russia
Dr. Vikash Pratap Singh Bhadauria Eshan college of Engineering, http://www.eshancollege.com 28-B Ramchandra Puri, India
Researcher Rab Nawaz Lodhi COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, http://www.ciitsahiwal.edu.pk Sahiwal, Pakistan
Researcher Mohammad Ali Shariati Islamic Azad University, http://www.azad.ac.ir Tehran, Iran
Associate Professor Irina Sutugina Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, http://www.mcx.ru Moscow, Russia
Associate Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences, chairman of the All-Russian Council of young scientists and specialists of agricultural education and research institutions Nikolai Pimenov Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I. Skryabin, http://www.mgavm.ru Moscow, Russia
Associate Professor Sergey Tarasenko Grodno State Agrarian University, http://www.ggau.by Grodno, Belarus
Associate Professor Irina Stratiychuk V.E. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, http://web.isp.kiev.ua Kiev, Ukraine
Associate Professor Dilshod Mulloev Institute of State and Law, Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, http://www.ant.tj Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Associate Professor Lira Gaisina M. Akmullah Bashkir State Pedagogical University, http://eng.bspu.ru Ufa, Russia
Associate Professor Akimova Svetlana Russian State Agrarian University, http://www.timacad.ru Moscow, Russia
Associate Professor Andrey Polukhin Orel State Agrarian University, http://www.orelsau.ru Orel, Russia
Associate Professor Elena Bessonova Russia Correspondence Financial and Economic Institute, http://www.vzfei.ru Moscow, Russia
Associate Professor Tatyana Kovaleva Saratov State Agrarian University, http://www.sgau.ru Saratov, Russia
Associate Professor Alexey Glinushkin Orenburg State Agrarian University, http://www.orensau.ru Orenburg, Russia
Associate Professor Artem Mezenov Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, http://nsau.edu.ru Novosibirsk, Russia
Associate Professor Damir Davletchin Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation, http://www.mirea.ru Moscow, Russia
Associate Professor Igor Podkovyrov Volgograd State Agricultural Academy, http://www.vgsha.ru Volgograd, Russia
Associate Professor Dmitry Neuymin Michurinsk State Agrarian University, http://www.mgau.ru Michurinsk, Russia
Associate Professor Svetlana Terebova Institute of Socio-Economic Territories Development of Russian Academy of Sciences, http://vscc.ac.ru Vologda, Russia
Associate Professor Tatyana Kozlova Orel State Agrarian University, http://www.orelsau.ru Orel, Russia