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Американская литература

From his slim Palace in the Dust Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

From his slim Palace in the Dust

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Gathered into the Earth Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Gathered into the Earth

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
В корзину
Go not too near a House of Rose Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Go not too near a House of Rose

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Go tell it — What a Message Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Go tell it — What a Message

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
It stole along so stealthy Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

It stole along so stealthy

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
It was a quiet way Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

It was a quiet way

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
It was a quiet seeming Day Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

It was a quiet seeming Day

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Perhaps they do not go so far Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Perhaps they do not go so far

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
A Word made Flesh is seldom Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

A Word made Flesh is seldom

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
The Snow that never drifts Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Snow that never drifts

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
The spry Arms of the Wind Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The spry Arms of the Wind

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
The stem of a departed Flower Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The stem of a departed Flower

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
The Dying need but little, Dear Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Dying need but little, Dear

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson