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Американская литература

Jesus! thy Crucifix Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Jesus! thy Crucifix

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Just as He spoke it from his Hands Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Just as He spoke it from his Hands

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Just lost, when I was saved! Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Just lost, when I was saved!

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Knows how to forget! Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Knows how to forget!

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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The Robin's my Criterion for Tune Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Robin's my Criterion for Tune

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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The Rose did caper on her cheek Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Rose did caper on her cheek

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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None who saw it ever told it Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

None who saw it ever told it

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
The Sun — just touched the Morning Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Sun — just touched the Morning

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Nor Mountain hinder Me Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Nor Mountain hinder Me

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Not any more to be lacked Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Not any more to be lacked

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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The Sun is gay or stark Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Sun is gay or stark

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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The Sun and Moon must make their haste Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Sun and Moon must make their haste

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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The Spirit is the Conscious Ear. Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Spirit is the Conscious Ear.

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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The Spider holds a Silver Ball Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Spider holds a Silver Ball

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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The Soul that hath a Guest Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Soul that hath a Guest

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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The Soul selects her own Society Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Soul selects her own Society

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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