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Американская литература

Exhilaration — is within Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Exhilaration — is within

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Except to Heaven, she is nought. Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Except to Heaven, she is nought.

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Partake as doth the Bee Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Partake as doth the Bee

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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For every Bird a Nest Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

For every Bird a Nest

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Perhaps you think me stooping Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Perhaps you think me stooping

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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For each ecstatic instant Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

For each ecstatic instant

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Perhaps you'd like to buy a flower Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Perhaps you'd like to buy a flower

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Forever at His side to walk Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Forever at His side to walk

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Forever — is composed of Nows Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Forever — is composed of Nows

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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For this — accepted Breath Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

For this — accepted Breath

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
For Death — or rather Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

For Death — or rather

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Flowers — Well — if anybody Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Flowers — Well — if anybody

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Finding is the first Act Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Finding is the first Act

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Patience — has a quiet Outer Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Patience — has a quiet Outer

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Fame of Myself, to justify Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Fame of Myself, to justify

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Peace is a fiction of our Faith Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Peace is a fiction of our Faith

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Perhaps I asked too large Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Perhaps I asked too large

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Fitter to see Him, I may be Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Fitter to see Him, I may be

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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