Источники интертекстуальности как характеристика идиостиля писателя (на материале романов Ч. Диккенса)
The article is connected with intertextuality which illustrates the semiosis of culture in general, where different semiotic systems are interrelated (text, genre, art) on all levels of the text (the plot, composition, style). The investigation of the intertextuality of the works of one writer helped the author of the article analyse the assimilation of the English folklore, Roman mythology, the Bible etc in the English novel in general. All these elements form Ch. Dickens's idiostyle.
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Конструирование единого пространства художественного аномального мира в произведениях жанра фэнтези
The article is devoted to the analysis of anomalous poetic world in literary texts which refer to fantasy genre on the example of two cycles of novels by J.R.R. Tolkien and J. Rowling. The author of the article proves that the unity of anomalous world is achieved and constructed via intertextual cohesion. Thus the cycles by the above-mentioned writers represent united denotative and conceptual sphere.
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Дискурс и вопросы понимания художественного текста: к разграничению понятий и постановке проблемы
The article deals with the terminology used in the Russian philological tradition. The author tries to find out the correspondences between the notion of «discourse» («text») and «fiction». The text interpretation is understood as the activity directed to the comprehension of the writer's intention and based on the dialogue which involves the reader's discourse.
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Лингвистический аспект морали
The article is dedicated to the phenomenon of morality in linguistics. The knowledge of lexical material concerning this phenomenon has some difficulties because there are no objective lexicographical criteria of definition of such lexical units. This sphere of knowledge requires in-depth study. This article is an attempt to receive the investigation of morality.
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The issues of synonymic modifying of units of language denoting the meaning «tapfer» in the German language are considered in the article. Identical and different in the meaning of the convertible terms are determined to a first approximation.
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Интертекстуальность различных типов в сказке-аллегории Дж. Оруэлла «Скотный двор»
The article deals with the problem of intertextuality in the fairy story «Animal Farm» by George Orwell. Using intertextual inclusions, the author makes his narration vivid, on the one hand, and precise, on the other hand. While creating the story, the writer appeals to the existing ones with the help of intextual quotations of different type, therefore making the impression of completeness and validity of the narration.
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The interdiscourse intertextuality is being observed in the article which is created by means of some kind of the scientific discourse and by the interaction of various scientific discourses. It reveals the creative idea of the author. According to the treatment, the setting in one line of semantically unsequenced lexical units where the scientific terms are included and the creation of pseudo-scientific terms are typical stylistic devices for O'Henry aiming at increasing the humorous effect in the text.
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Креолизованные тексты как средство объективации комического и трагического в немецкой и русской лингвокультурах
The aim of the article is to compare the functions of creolized texts which realize either comic intention or inform about tragic events in German and Russian linguo-cultures. The analysis of practical material made the author come to a conclusion that the main function typical of all the above-mentioned creolized texts is attractive one, connected with attracting the potential reader's attention. This function is based on a double actualization of meaning (simultaneous realization of two semantic constituents of a linguistic and/or paralinguistic element).
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The article deals with one of the kinds of intertextuality called interpersonal intertextuality differentiated due to the interconnection of the authors' texts. Two kinds of interpersonal intertexuality - verbal and non-verbal - are considered. The first one is characterized by intexts directed to verbal texts. The second one is concerned with the intexts directed to non-verbal texts.
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Синонимия в немецком политическом дискурсе
In this article synonymic units are regarded as one of the means of communicative, pragmatic strategies realization. The results of research show that synonymic units can be studied on cognitive and motivational levels and they play important role in understanding, modeling and producing of political discourse.
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Особенности речевой характеристики главного персонажа в романе С. Шелдона «Ничто не вечно»
The article is devoted to the speech characteristics of the main personage in S. Sheldon's novel «Nothing Lasts Forever». The author investigates represented speech in accordance with I.R. Galperin's classification of its types and with Yu. V. Sharapova's development of the above-mentioned classification. The author also distinguishes the main linguistic expressive means and stylistic devices characteristic of the speech portrait of the main personage of the novel by S. Sheldon.
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The article is devoted to the main constituents of Hugo Schuchardt's activity. The most characteristic feature of Schuchardt is his constant relation to an omomasiological approach. Schuchardt's theory of the omomasiological lexicology is considered in a strong confrontation to Hermann Paul's linguistic conception. H. Schuchardt's criticism was aimed at any formalism in linguistics; the Austrian scientist was especially against «phonetic laws», supported by young grammarians. H. Schuchardt also criticized methods of F. de Saussure.
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Onomasiological theories of O. Jespersen and L.V. Scerba are characterized by some common and different features. O. Jespersen and L.V. Scerba were dealing with problems of phonetics, morphology and syntax. When O. Jespersen's grammar included the theory of notional categories and the theory of «the three ranks», L.V. Scerba developed a theory of parts of speech and founded «a category of state». Both researchers insisted on a strict division of onomasiological and semasiological methods.
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Речевое оформление и использование обращений в деловой коммуникации на японском языке
The article is dedicated to study and analysis of forms of address in spoken Japanese and business conversations in Japanese language. Forms of address are analyzed on basis of real life examples. Several conclusions on using forms of address in business conversations in Japanese are made after analyzing usual forms of address of spoken Japanese language.
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Аналитические тенденции в лексической подсистеме современного английского языка
The article presents review of analytical lexical constructions which are widespread in Modern English. Such lexical units as 'get started', 'grow old', 'have a look', 'take up' are described and their structural and semantic features are analyzed. It is stated that those units denote various spatial and aspective characteristics of an action. The present article also concerns the phenomenon of secondary analyticism using analytical lexical units of the type 'make a comeback'or 'keep getting rich' as an example.
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Синонимический ряд как соотношение континуального и дискретного в языке
The article focuses on the notion of the synonymic set. The synonymic set is considered as a dynamic phenomenon in which discrete and continuum factors are interrelated.
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Патриотизм как черта английского национального характера в произведениях Дж. Голсуорси
The article is devoted to the description of the English patriotism in J. Galsworthy's books. The author confirms with plenty of examples that patriotism is one of the vivid traits of the English character and comes to a conclusion that it is realized in the scornful attitude of the English people to everything which is foreign. Such attitude is realized in the negative connotative meaning of the word foreign and plenty of idioms with it.
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Жанровые особенности фэнтези (на основе анализа словарных дефиниций фэнтези и научной фантастики)
The aim of the given article is to differentiate genre characteristics of fantasy on the base of dictionary analysis of definitions of fantasy and science fiction. The following characteristics of fantasy as genre are differentiated: 1) relation of fantasy to possible world; 2) presence of medieval denotative content; 3) high fantastic degree; 4) irrationality caused by the presence of magic.
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