Настоящая статья посвящена вопросу отношения заимствований и иноязычных вкраплений. Теоритические вопросы, связанные с понятиями иноязычное вкрапление и заимствование выступают в качестве серьезной проблемы в лингвистике, так как существует три различных подхода к рассматриваемым явлениям. Первый подход подчеркивает, что термины иноязычное вкрапление и заимствование обозначают одно явление. Согласно второй точке зрения, иноязычные вкрапления является начальной стадией процесса заимствования. Третий подход заключается в необходимости разделять понятия.Исследуемый вопрос является проблемой терминологии. В первую очередь, авторы исследуют термины заимствование и иноязычное вкрапление, анализирует понятия и выделяет критерии, служащие основой для их различения. Проведенный анализ показал, что между заимствованиями и иноязычными вкраплениями обнаруживается ряд как общих, так и отличительных черт. Попытка прояснить вопрос об отношении заимствований и иноязычных вкраплений предполагает выделить билингвизм как один из отличительных факторов.
Научный результат. Вопросы теоретической и прикладной лингвистики
2015. — Выпуск 3
В статье освещены результаты исследования лингвокультурологически обусловленного дискурса как нелинейной социально-коммуникативной модели. Актуализируется научная проблема определения границ допустимой модификации культурно-маркированных единиц дискурса при стабильности ядра этноязыковой матричной социомодели. Уточняется роль языковой картины мира в формировании культурного кода народа, где код выступает в качестве базиса для формирования лингвокультурологического дискурса, его синергии. Выявляется степень динамики синергии культурно-маркированных единиц, образующих исследуемую этноязыковую модель социума. Рассматриваются параметры динамики синергии исследуемых языковых единиц, динамики, обусловленной экстралингвистическими факторами. В исследовательско-методологический корпус вводятся следующие авторские термины: ситуативные трансформации дискурсивной модели социума, перманентные трансформации дискурсивной модели социума, синергия культурно-маркированных единиц дискурса, дискурсивная синергия социума.
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According to Berlin & Kay’s [5] theory, it is possible for a language to include more than 11 basic colour terms. It is remarkable that in certain languages more than one term denote «blue». Russian is a good example of a language having two basic terms for blue - sinij (dark blue) and goluboj (light blue). Similar examples of languages with two basic colour terms for blue are Turkish, Arabian, Italian and Chinese. In addition, Androulaki et al. [2] claim that Modern Greek has 12 basic colour terms, supporting that γalбzjo (light blue) should be included in these terms. The question arising is whether the term γalбzjo in Modern Greek could be considered as a basic colour term. This is the main issue in the present experimental research. For conducting the experiment the Munsell colour system was used. The results of the empirical research show that the term γalanу is a lighter hue of blй (blue) in relation to γalбzjo. Moreover, these terms cannot be considered as basic, since, on the one hand, they are included in a basic colour category (blй), and, on the other hand, they occur only in particular collocations,violating the corresponding Berlin & Kay’s (5, P. 6) criteria.
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Данная статья посвящена изучению особенностей функционирования термина в устном медицинском дискурсе. Термин рассматривается в динамике на основе предметных областей медицины сахарный диабет и СПИД. Анализ протоколов бесед врача с пациентом выявил, что термин выполняет прагматическую функцию и зависит от типа дискурса, различие целей использования медицинского термина. Врач и пациент выступают как субъекты институциональной, регламентированной деятельности, как носители медицинских знаний. При общении с пациентом целью врача является диагностирование, выбор оптимальных способов лечения и объяснение своих действий при помощи толкования медицинской лексики. Используя медицинские термины, специалист-медик подчёркивает объективность вербализованной в текстах специальной информации, имплицитно воздействуя на пациента.
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В статье рассматриваются языковые механизмы вербализации концепта «независимость» в африканских художественных текстах на французском и испанском языках. Независимость оказывается одной из важнейших составляющих темпорального кода африканской культуры, точкой бифуркации в художественном пространстве и времени. Африканцев окрыляет возможность взять власть в молодых государствах в свои руки. Однако во главе государств зачастую оказываются отнюдь не те политические лидеры, которые радеют о процветании своих стран. Независимость вызывает у граждан новых республик смешанные чувства надежды, разочарования и тревоги за будущее.Амбивалентное восприятие концепта «независимость» находит яркое выражение в произведениях африканских писателей на французском и испанском языках, использующих широкую палитру языковых средств, включающих в себя подбор лексических средств, использование приема пиджинизации, состоящего во введении в нарративную ткань автохтонных элементов на различных языковых уровнях, высокой степени метафоризации.
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The modern urban studies addresses its subject - the city - as a complex organized system whose multiple-aspect nature allows to analyze it from various perspectives. This article deals with one of possible aspects of the study of the city, a cognitive aspect, in which the image of the city appears as a mental pattern formed in the process of its perception by subjects of urban life. The authors refer to the latest research in cognitive science and onomastics and substantiate their thesis on that the image of the city is an important part of onomastic and, in a broader sense, linguistic consciousness. To support theoretical provisions the authors used data of the association experiment conducted by them to identify how the city of Pavlodar is perceived by its residents.
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The purpose of the study is to see whether abstract or concrete words are better recalled in cued recall type and to measure forward and backward displayed factors in cued recall. 9 undergraduates in King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, participated in this studywhere they were trained to differentiate between abstract and concrete words. A list of 20 Arabic abstract and concrete words was then given to them to be classified into abstract and concrete words based on four factors: concreteness, imageability, meaningfulness and age of acquisition. An observation sheet was provided to the experiment administrator to document the observed recall effects and recalled words. Three methods were used to facilitate this experiment: auditory, visual and writing methods. The sheets were designed to measure both forward and backward recall factors.Both descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were run to analyse the collected data. Computed referential statistical tools indicated acceptable yet significant values for the researchers-designed measures. Descriptive statistics indicated zero effect as the most frequent effect which meant that there was no advantage of abstract words (M: 10, SD: .00) over concrete words (M: 9, SD: .00) or vice versa thought a minor insignificant difference was calculated in favour of the abstractness effect. There was also no significant percentage between forward and backward recall tests (51%) for the former and (49%) for the latter. The percentage of the non-recalled words was generally less than (1%), (M: 19, SD: .00).The total number of recalled abstract words was slightly yet insignificantly higher than the total number of recalled concrete words in cued recall paradigms of Arabic abstract and concrete words recall. Also, there was no statistically significant difference between forward and backward recall tests; although, a minor noticed difference was statistically calculated. Lastly, using more than a cue in cued recall paradigms increased the chances of words recall.
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This paper surveys the grotesque as a main genre in American Literature which is mostly connected with satire. It defines the grotesque from the gothic to the textual analysis of the collection of short stories in Everything That Rises Must Converge (1965) as a short fiction by Flannery O’Connor, the twentieth century American writer. He has created great tragi-comedy fictions in Southern Gothic. This paper also tries to place O’Connor’s fiction as a great example of the demonic grotesque within the framework of the American gothic. Totally, this paper studies this book onthe characteristics which depict the demonic grotesque.
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Sufism or tasawwuf is the inner, mystical, or psycho-spiritual dimension of Islam.However, many scholars believe that Sufism is outside the sphere of Islam. As a result, there has always been disagreement among religious scholars and Sufis themselves regarding the origins of Sufism. The traditional view sees Sufism as the mystical school of Islam and its beginnings in the first centuries following the life of the Prophet Mohammad. Indeed, there is another view that traces the pre-Islamic roots of Sufism back through mystics and mystery schools of the other regions gathered into the trunk known as Islamic Sufism.The word Sufi originates from a Persian word meaning wisdom and wisdom is the ultimate power. The following survey tries to explore this concept in the works of Rumi and its impact on the western writers and poets particularly Whitman. It tries to show how Whitman inspired from Rumi and came to be the messenger of Sufism in his poems. These poems reveal the depth of Sufi spirituality, the inner states of mystical love, and the Unity of Being through symbolic expressions. They also express aspects of Sufism and of traveling the Sufi path inaccessible in prose writings.
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His paper discusses the question of the expression of alterity as “faces” in Herman Melville’s two masterpieces, Moby-Dick; or,The Whale and Billy Budd, Sailor . The issue of otherness and the relationships between subjects stands as a major problem in literature, but also in philosophy and ethics, as it also logically entails a questioning about identity and sameness. The analysis uses the concepts of face from the phenomenological point of view of Emmanuel Levinas, but also that of faciality developed by Deleuze and Guattari in A Thousand Plateaus . The difficulty, or even impossibility to reach the Other who stands as pure exteriority in a nonreciprocal relationship leads to a number of communication deadlocks, that language itself cannot solve as the deadly face-to-face in Billy Budd makes it clear. The traditional vision of the western philosophy of representation, based on the Greek model ruled by the idea of the Same and identity must be therefore left and redefined in order totake into account the pure exteriority of the other.
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His study presents a reflection on the critical approach of the literature from the history of the mentalities. To understand the works of the XVIth century it is advisable to make an effort of epistemological disorientation, to find as far as possible the processes exégétiques which livened up the authors and the readers of the studied period, to read texts according to their criteria of reading, and their own conception of poetic creation. The study of the historic, philosophic, artistic, and theological context must allow to draw the lines of a mental landscape, and to seize the coherence of their intellectual and imaginary universe. Thus, the modern reader discovers a literature which sets seriously, more than he or she would have thought, the efficiency of the word and the wealth of his or her spiritual echos. The works of the Pleiad for example organize a significant polyphony, from a multiplicity of sources, to offer them the purification and regeneration. The link of the humanist authors with texts must be dreaded in its complexity: he considers a dynamics of transformation of texts in a cultural continuum where the redemption of the world history takes place.
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This paper surveys the grotesque which takes a principal position in the American literature since the nineteenth to the present. It outlines the evolution of grotesque from art to literary form, and its meaning that is combined from different critical works. Moreover, it describes the grotesque from the gothic to the textual analysis of Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque which is a short fiction by Edgar Allen Poe as a key literary writer in the ground of the grotesque. He appears as a groundbreaking writer in the nineteenth century American literature and a fruitful influence on his followers. His grotesques are not as common as his gothic stories because the former ones are of a humorous and unusual character when compared to his other stories. Infact, his grotesques fall into the territory of satirical grotesques. s.
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The purpose of this study was to determine what correlation, if any, existed between the MA TESOL entrance exam, specifically the cloze test, and students’ performance in the program at an English-medium university in Central Asia. This was accomplished by comparing the results of students’ scores on the three parts of the exam (cloze and two essays) with their GPAs. Findings showed the number correct in the second half (with exact-word scoring) of an academic passage had a higher correlation with GPA (0.60; significant at 0.01). Correlations with the essays were not significant. A brief review of the literature of the issues surrounding the cloze procedure relevant to our program are discussed, viz., 1) how well cloze measures ESL reading comprehension, 2) which scoring method correlates with second lan- guage proficiency, 3) whether we should score both halves or only the second half of the test, and 4) what the optimum deletion frequency is. The results will be used tofurther calibrate entrance requirements and exam assessment procedures.
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Educational discourse demonstrates a number of characteristics, which can be analyzed and grouped according to various parameters. The Theme of Online and Blended Learning occupies a critical domain within the educational discourse, including the language of high school. The discourse of senior high school provides sets of stylistic and genre markers for the discourse, such as terminological and professional vocabulary that defines and clarifies concepts and categories within the discourse of education. These characteristics index and differentiate texts and affect the discourse flow as well as interdiscursively motivate its connections with other types of discourses in a larger network. The research of pedagogical literature and regulatory documents examines the organizational, including operational aspects of online and blended learning, pedagogical experience, the use of related technologies and of competencies approach to support learning in a high school setting. In conclusion, the article reminds of the legitimacy of qualitative methods for building a methodological foundation to make organizational and operational solutions to enhance learning experience encouraging open education and technological practice. Educational technology develops human resources in terms of professional development of teachers along with preparedness for career and personal success of high school graduates, stimulates the adoption of new technological products and services across nations.
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The study reported in this article set out to investigate the effect of an intervention into the strategies for second language (L2) lecture comprehension. The research was conducted in a Bulgarian university context and adopted a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design. The 15-week instructional sequence was based on explicit/ direct teaching of cognitive and metacognitive strategies for listening to lectures in English. The results indicated that the students in the experimental group (n = 34) significantly outperformed their counterparts in the comparison group (n = 25) in a multiple-choice test used as a measure for L2 lecture comprehension. The findings, therefore, suggest that the strategy-based instruction could facilitate the development of L2 lecture listening skills.