The article deals with the problem of knowledge structures and their representation in the language. The authors of the article analyze the group of “verbs of touch” from the pointof view of cognitive linguistics. According to the cognitive approach, the “verbs of touch” are studied with consideration of the structures of knowledge they represent.The concept “TOUCH” contains knowledge about the situation of touch. The authors describe the content and the structure of the concept “TOUCH”. For this purpose they analyse the key words in the thesaurus row, which correlate with the concept under study. These words are: the noun “touch” and the verb “touch”.The concept “TOUCH” correlates to the frame “TOUCH” which is a unifying structure of knowledge and which causes the similarity and difference between the verbs of touch and defines the ways of their system categorization.The authors define and describe the components which build the structure of the frame “TOUCH”. Obligatory components of the frame “TOUCH” contain the minimum knowledge about the situation of touch while the optional components describe the details of the situation of touch. The frame “TOUCH” can be represented in the language not only by means of the verbs which have the meaning of touch on the system level, but also by the verbs of other lexico-semantic groups which get the meaning of touch on the functional level.

Научный результат. Вопросы теоретической и прикладной лингвистики
2015. — Выпуск 2
В статье предложен взгляд на естественный язык как на диссипативную самоорганизующуюся систему. Диссипация подразумевает, что информационная энтропия языка может снижаться - в частности, при преодолении системой состояния динамического хаоса с последующим изменением её эволюционной парадигмы.Диссипативные механизмы играют роль как в синхроническом функционирования языковой системе, так и в процессе её диахронического развития, причём в последнем случае их роль может оказаться решающей, как показано на примере английского языка. На разных уровнях языковой системы действуют разные диссипативные механизмы, что обусловливает разный уровень неопределённости языковых знаков. Так, раз- витая морфологическая система (и, соответственно, согласование как основной тип синтаксической связи) понижают уровень энтропии. Снижение же числа морфологически выраженных категорий ведёт хотя и не к пропорциональному, но заметному увеличению количества энтропии. Отсутствие пропорционального роста степени неопределённости объясняются механизмами языковой компенсации, в частности - возрастающей ролью порядка слов и служебных лексем.
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В статье рассматриваются особенности воздействия параметров двуязычной коммуникации на функционирование раннего детского билингвизма - при одновременном усвоении детьми русского и английского языков в русских семьях. Анализируются особенности взаимодействия выбранных родителями принципов билингвального воспитания (персонального «один человек - один язык», локального «одна ситуация - один язык», темпорального, предметно-тематического, «постороннего слушателя») и специфики билингвального поведения ребенка в разных ситуациях монолингвального или билингвального общения. Автор показывает, каким образом такие параметры как слушатели, место, время, код (коды) общения, а также наличие или отсутствие посторонних слушателей влияют на выбор билингвальным ребенком его коммуникативных стратегий, как эти стратегии воспринимаются и корректируются родителями. Автор указывает, как каждый из параметров коммуникативной ситуации может стимулировать такие билингвальные процессы как интерференция и переключения кодов.
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The article deals with the specific features of the German language on the Bavarian dialect lexical level. The dialect is remarkable for its innovations and variety of linguistic formson all levels of its system. The notion “Bavarian dialect” and its correlation with literary German language is being researched. The comparative analysis reveals the facts of deviation from the standards of the literary German language, especially in vocabulary and semantics. The Bavarian dialect system is constantly changing, as any language system. We can analyze it from the point of view of two states: synchronic and diachronic. The first state is relatively more stable and functioning of the language units is rather regular. But this system condition is balanced only to some extent. At every step of its development, the system collects innovations at all levels of its structure: from phonological up to discursive. When their number starts to grow, the language system may change making all the new language units a new norm. A new step of its evolution begins. The aim of the article is to show the inner process of the language system self-development.
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The authors consider different approaches to the matter of color terms in linguistics and psychology. Perception of visual images by language consciousness in different cultures is determined by various factors: a feature of national thinking, originality of nature, cul- ture, and as a consequence - different choice of the most typical prototype of any concept of color space. This article reviews a number of properties that are characteristic of basic and non-standard color terms. The article also considers some gender peculiarities of color terms in French fashion magazines.
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The paper provides a linguistic study of the professional sphere influence on speech consciousness in the socioand psycholinguistic aspects. The article analyses the results of the original experimental studies of the associative response of different professional groups’ representatives. The author introduces a new term “professionally determined associations” to show the degree of the influence of profession and professional communication on speech consciousness and behaviour as well as to widen the existing typology of associations. For the first time the research has been carried into the stimuli functioning in the terminological systems of mathematics, medicine, and philology. Also, the stimuli effect on the origination and number of professional responses is described, the general and professional associations of respondents are compared in detail, the general and specific peculiarities of the associative response of English and Russian speakers are identified.
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The article deals with verb representation of visual perception in the English and French languages on the basis of construction of a complex cognitive model called the verb taxonomy of the concept VISUAL PERCEPTION. The model allows us to present a part of the lexical system of the English and French languages with account of the conceptual level, namely the concepts represented by verbs of visual perception. The semantic structure of the verbs of visual perception and conceptual characteristics of the corresponding concept that they represent helps to construct such hierarchy for both languages. The hierarchy has two levels characterized by a different degree of abstraction and specification. The analysis shows the linguistic and conceptual content of basic level and helps to understand the way native speakers conceptualize and categorize visually perceived objects. It is important to note that categorization of the perceptual process is mainly dependent on communicative conditions, i.e. verbal context.
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Статья посвящена рассмотрению вопроса о развитии русскими частицами функциональной перспективы текста. Анализируются коммуникативно-прагматические функции частиц различных семантических групп в тексте, устанавливаются особенности репрезентации частицами точки зрения говорящего на событие. В аспекте развития функциональной перспективы текста описываются различные логико-семиотические и диктумно-модусные характеристики частиц.
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В статье освещаются вопросы употребительности темпоральных предлогов в зависимости от наличия в их семантике концептуального признака пространства. Рассматривается возможность синтаксических трансформаций словосочетаний, включающих времена года, в связи с морфо-фонологическими особенностями французского и русского языков. Статья содержит сравнительный анализ описанных словосочетаний, освещает проблемы лексикализации и семантизации времени в языке. Даётся описание семантико-грамматической формы отдельных групп релятивных единиц, выявляются особенности структурно-семантических свойств темпоральных предлогов. Представленный материал рассматривается с точки зрения антропоцентрической парадигмы и национально-культурной специфики этносов.
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The aim of this article is to present a Greek writer, Penelope Delta. This writer has recently come up in the field of the studies of the Greek literature and, although thereare neither many translations of her works in foreign languages nor many theses or dissertations, she was chosen for the great interest for her works. Her books have been read by many generations, so she is considered a classical writer of Modern Greek Literature. The way she uses the Greek language, the unique characters of her heroes that make any child or adolescent identified with them, the understood organization of her material are only a few of the main characteristics and advantages of her texts. It is also of high importance the fact that her books can be read by adults, as they can provide human values, such as love, hope, enjoyment of life, the educational significance of playing, the innocence of the infancy, the adventurous adolescence, even the unemployment, the value of work and justice. Thus, the educative importance of her texts was the main reason for writing this article.As for the structure of the article, at first, it presents a brief biography of the writer. The information of her personal life focuses on the facts that affected her way of writing. A characteristic example is her relations developed with other writers and the Ion Dragoumis, a great fighter who defended the liberation of Macedonia. In addition, many elements of her writing method can be presented by the letters she had sent to those personalities.The second part of the article is the presentation of her book O Trelantonis ( Ο Τρελαντώνης ), which is proposed as an appropriate text for teaching at school or even a seminar or lecture. After the presentation of the hypothesis, the author presents a teaching method of this text in a great detail. This method is called interpretative and it is suggested to be used as a teaching technique of the collaboration and team-work. This means that the teacher reads the text, while the students have to note the literature personalities and/or their main characteristics, their emotions and/or thoughts and reactions. On the other hand, it may demand the basic elements of the form of the text, such as the narrative techniques, the organization of the text and the plot of the story. Thus, the students have a general idea about the story and they are able to explain it. After that, the teacher arranges a dialogue with the students and they interpret the text. Posing and answering questions, expressing personal opinions, defending their position with argumentations are necessary for understanding the text. This method has as a result not only the interpretation of the text, but also the cultivation of the dialogue and the free expression and thinking. The students understand the importance of democracy and their self-confidence can be developed in the frame of the free expression and argumentation.After analyzing the text, the students are divided into groups. Each group must consist of students of all levels in order to have a balance. Each team has its name, which is considered essential. In this paper, there are proposed the following teams:Philologists: They will have tasks as far as it concerns the narration, the language and the interpretation of the text on the whole.Historians: This team will examine the historical frame of the text and if it can be used as an historical source.Sociologists / Psychologists: The students of this team will have to examine the psychology of the characters and the impacts the events have on them. This psychological / sociological approach of the text will make them understand better the characters and explain their thoughts and emotions. So, the emotional intelligence of the students is also cultivated.Artists: The members of this team will be directors and/or actors. The students will think how the plot could be a movie or a theatrical piece, write the script, imagine or even create the scenes and play roles. Thus, the artistic abilities of the students are developed.These are the teams proposed. Undoubtedly, there may be a lot of other teams with different tasks to do. Any teacher can imagine and create teams with various names and exercises to do. After the collaborative work, each team presents its results to the others. In this part, the students tell their points of view, find mistakes or point out the strong elements of the work done. The free expression of feedback by all the teams is considered valuable for the improvement of themselves and their way of working. Students of each team write down the feedback told by their classmates and they use it for the amelioration of their projects. After having completed them, the second presentation is arranged, where there can also be given a chance to discuss again. The results can be presented orally, but the most common method is the presentation in power-point. In this case, bringing tablets to the school classroom and using them for finding information could be proved extremely useful and as an attractive teaching method.
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The study examines some features of educational discourse, including the concepts of online and blended learning within the context of high school. The object of research is high school, especially senior high school. The author looks into discourse markers for the use of concepts in the discourse of education. The features differentiate texts, which belong to the educational discourse and its genres as well as show the markers of contempo- rary discourse within the context. They study analyzes pedagogical literature and regulatory documents on online and blended learning to review the key concepts used in educational discourse on the topic within academic institutions. The research examines the pedagogical experience, the use of online learning technologies to support learning in high schools, and the principles for improving online and blended teaching of subject areas. In conclusion, the article lists challenges and formulates ways to overcome them on the way to sound solutions for strengthening the online and blended learning experience.
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Рассматриваются лексико-фразеологические особенности русской и английской деловой речи, знание которых необходимо российским и иностранным студентам-экономистам для осуществления профессиональной коммуникации. Раскрываются виды фразеологических единиц, характерные для делового общения, анализируются трудности в их овладении иностранными студентами.
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This paper studies eight ascetical poems by Saint John of the Cross, from both a literary point of view and also as an inverse description. Therefore, the paradoxical descriptionsof ecstasy and the subsequent acquisition of wisdom become an inverse philosophical reflection. The method of analysis is semiotic and textual interpretative, which renders possible a personal explicative hypothesis. The conclusion is that this work relies on paradox and aporia, which generates “inverse semiosis”: signs are not created by what they are, but by what they are not. Although the poems are not always perfect, they reveal a great knowledge of the language. The term “saintjoanine glosa” is proposed for a strophe consisting of nine eight-syllable verses, rhyming A, B, B, A, B, C, D, C, D, which is very infrequent in Span- ish poetry. Poetry is, then, extremely efficient in expressing these ambiguities. So literature reaches degree of infiniteness, setting an aesthetic of the impossible and semiotics reaches a crossroad: to be holistic or not to be. We will use our own--and very free---translations into English. Literal equivalence is preferred instead of rhythm and rhyme. In this paper a few Spanish archaisms are kept: spellings as “caça” or “sciencia” have a strictly diachronic value, and meaning is not betrayed if they are written in a modern way. However, updating forms such as “aquesta”, which appears in the poem called “Vivo sin vivir en mí” and replacing it by the modern demonstrative “esta” would imply an unacceptable alteration in the syllable structure, that is why it is preserved. In the translations, we have quoted the author’s name as “SJC” in order to save space.