
Вестник ОрелГАУ
2014. — Выпуск 4
Pea convicilin could hinder physico-chemical properties of protein isolates. Pea accessions without convicilin or with its unusual isoforms could be used in pea breeding on high quality of storage proteins. Polymorphism of convicilin was studied with use of 60 accessions of genus Pisum L. Standard SDS-PAGE electrophoresis was used for separation of storage proteins. In total, four isoforms of convicilin were revealed. They were located on positions 14, 15, 16 and 17 of electrophoretic spectra. Isoform 15 was found with high frequency (0.35). The frequency of isoform 17 was equal to 0.32. Differences between cultivated and wild pea accessions on frequency of convicilin isoforms were determined. Among 6 breeding lines and varieties of Р. sativum only two (14 and 17) isoforms were revealed. Isoform 17 was represented with the highest frequency (0.83). In wild subspecies of Р. sativum (24 accessions) only three (15, 16, 17) isoforms were found. Isoform 15 had the highest frequency (0.6). In accessions of wild species Р. fulvum all four revealed isoforms of convicilin were represented. Isoform 15 was found preferably (0.59). In variety Aest electrophoretic analysis revealed one seed which did not contained convicilin. This seed was characterized by distinguished from other seeds spectrum.
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Buckwheat - one of the most important of the field rotation crop, attracting and keeping a large number of insects. Entomocenosis of a buckwheat field consists of more than 170 species of insects pollinators, phytophags, entomophags. The dominant species are pollinators; there are about 90 species of them. They feed on nectar, pick up it and make pollination possible. Bee honey, wild bees, bumblebees, wasps, other hymenopterans, dipterous, beetles are widely spread. All of them are polytrophs - they visit many species of flowering plants, including buckwheat. Insects-phytophagous is the second largest group; about 50 species feed on seeds, roots, shoots and vegetating plants until the crop harvesting. The third group of insects, whose imagos feed on flowers and larvae (and sometimes imago) hymnical or parasitize on phytophags of buckwheat and on other crop rotation fields or on neighboring natural biotic communities: Coccinellidae, Chrisopidae, Syrphidae, Tachinidae, Phasiae, parasitic hymeonopterans. These insects need not only buckwheat plants, but also its phytophags that are food for their larvae. Entomophags is a group which includes about 30 species. The fifth group of insects is real predators - includes Carabidae and Staphylinidae mainly. The sixth group is insects, occasional visitors of buckwheat agrobiocenosis. Relations between insects, living in the buckwheat field, with other biocenosis components, are generally trophic (direct and indirect): «plants - insects phytophags»; «plants - insects phytophags - entomophags», «insects «neutrals» - entomophags»; and phoryc (zoochory): plants - insects pollinators. Topical communications appear under the influence of the plant defining living conditions of phytophags and entomophags (buckwheat crops as a habitat of insects with granting possibility of a shelter, a meeting of genders, reproduction and habitation of different stages of evolution).
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The research results on studying of an influence of an inoculation and mineral nitrogen application for symbiotic activity and seed production of different varieties of soya bean are presented in this article. All these researches were conducted in the All-Russia Scientific Research Institute of grain legumes and cereal crops in 2011- 2013. Symbiotic and productive ability of new soya varieties Zusha and Mezenka in comparison with the standard Lantsetnaya variety is studied. It is established that formation of the symbiotic device and its activity depended on a preseeding inoculation of seeds bacterial fertilizer (nitragin) and also on presence of spontaneous populations of rhizobium in the soil. The period duration of a symbiotic nitrogen-fixing depended on varietal features and was longer at Zusha and Mezenka's more late-season varieties. Seeds inoculation by nitragin was surpassed in efficiency of mineral nitrogen application in a dose of 60 kg per hectare. An addition yield reached 2,6 c/hectare. Different reactions of varieties when forming a crop on distribution of rainfall during the growth season was noted. Having prevalence of rainfall in the first half of summer on formation of a crop early ripening varieties which used spring soil deposits of moisture and rainfall of May-June more rationally had advantage, less suffering from a July-August drought and a heat. More late-ripening varieties had advantage in case of better providing with rains if the second half of summer. The heavy yield - 30,7 c/hectare (on average for 3 years) created Mezenka variety.
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To define rational amount of floor space per bird and study productive qualities of broilers of cross «Ross-308» depending on the rate of floor space per bird at growing, in cage batteries and on litter the investigations at broilers enterprises of the Orel region were carried out. Broilers were grown in cages KP-8L from the day age and to slaughter (tests 1 and 2) and on litter using floor equipment set of firm «Big Dutchman» (Germany). The number of chickens in the test groups was 90-108 heads. The basic technological parameters of chicken keeping (lighting program, microclimate, feeding program, and mixed feed nutrition) were the same for all groups and corresponded to «Maintenance of «Ross» broilers growing (2009)». At doing research and economic tests the zootechnic factors of broilers growing according to common methods were defined. Statistical analysis of the obtained data was done using personal computer with «Microsoft Excel» (2003) and «Statistica» software. It was proved that according to productive and zootechnic factors complex that rational amount of floor space per bird for broilers of cross «Ross-308» at duration of 38 days fattening to obtain 2,2 - 2,3 kg live weight is 25 birds/m 2 at growing chickens in cages, or 394,0 sm 2/bird; 20 birds/m 2 at growing chickens on litter. Due to chicken intensive growing in the best test groups feed conversion (1,69-1,75 kg) and European Productivity Index (EPI) (335,73-346,65 units) have improved. Poultry population safety in the groups with optimal amount of floor space per bird was 98,0 - 98,1%. At selection of amount of floor space per bird of broilers first of all is necessary to consider the implied final poultry weight.
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The purpose of the work was to study the influence of the sporiferous probiotics «Subtilis» and «Provagen» on the productive qualities, viability, haematological parameters of cross «Ross-308» broiler chickens. The research was conducted according to the standard techniques. The feeding value of the complete feeds met the regulations of the All-Russian research institute of technology of poultry farming and recommendations for this cross. The Feeds were given to appetite. Probiotics were added to the complete feed at the enterprise by manual mixing just before feeding the birds. The main housing conditions of chickens (microclimate parameters, light regime, chicken density, feeding and drinking space) were identical for all groups and corresponded to «The Ross-308 broilers raising guide» (2009) and to the recommendations of the All-Russian research institute of technology of poultry farming (2008). As a result it was found that using of probiotics «Subtilis» and «Provagen» in broiler chickens feeding had positive impact on their growing capacity. Introduction of the test probiotics into the complete feeds of broiler chickens promoted improvement of zootechnical indicators of their rearing (increase in live weight, average daily gain, chick livability and reduction of feed costs per 1 kg of live weight gain). Using of probiotics had positive impact on the metabolic status and the general body resistance of birds, that was evident by the increase in quantity of erythrocytes in blood of chickens of the experimental groups, hemoglobin, total protein, albumines and globulins, increase of the bactericidal and lysozyme activity of blood serum. The best results were obtained in the 3rd group. In this group probiotic «Provagen» was added to the complete feeds for broilers in a dose of 0,015 g/bird. (1х10 9CFC/bird) per day (0,2 kg/t) during the first 7 days of rearing.
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The article shows the need to develop preparations antioxidant actions and identify the preparative form, optimal for use in a stressful poultry industry. Because the impact of negative factors emergency force feeding a bird is greatly reduced, the body experiences a deficiency of biologically active substances and their additional introduction food is ineffection, need to find other ways of introducing biological additives. As a means of antioxidant action is proposed the use of marsh cinquefoil (Comarum palustre L.), which consists of flavonoids - hesperidin, luteolin-7-glycoside, robinin, vicenin, dihydroquercetin, hyperoside; oksikorichnye acids - cicoria, coffee; coumarins-umbelliferon contributing to its antioxidant properties.The article presents the results of a study of antioxidant activity of different preparative forms on the basis of marsh cinquefoil (Comarum palustre L.), prepared according to the Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation XII(decoction, extract and tincture) from whole plant: roots and aboveground parts. A new method for determination of antioxidant activity in aqueous extract of marsh cinquefoil (Comarum palustre L.)through which confirms its antioxidant properties.From all the studied aqueous extracts of marsh cinquefoil (Comarum palustre L.) most appropriate to the poultry industry is the use of infusion, as the most convenient in the preparation of forms and the possessingrather high antioxidant activity. It is proposed in terms of industrial content desoldering bird water infusion marsh cinquefoil (Comarum palustre L.) in a dose of 5 ml per kg of live weight, the resulting rate of 1 g of marsh cinquefoil (Comarum palustre L.) to 10 ml of water.
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The article presents the results of bull’s evaluation on susceptibility of cows to culling reasons, including udder, legs and internal organs diseases, surgical diseases, tuberculosis and etc. It has been found out that bulls are able to have a significant impact on the reasons for culling heifers from the herd. More than that, heifers are able to inherit through their fathers their maternal ancestors’ resistance to gynecological diseases. The majority of sires (Buyan 114, Rom 1675, Dobryak 1745 and Dar 2383) has 20,6-27,6 % of culled heifers with gynecological diseases in the livestock structure, although gillyf-lower sires have only 8.3% of heifers 1206 culled for the same reason. Buyan bulls have ap-proximately 7,5% of heifers culled for old age, sire Dar 2383 have 3,7 and 4,9% of heifers accordingly culled for leucosis and tuberculosis. The above mentioned bulls have 2,4-3,7% of heifers with internal organs diseases.
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The impact of industrial use of cows on following genetic parameters: phenotypic variability, correlation, repeatability and heritability of economically useful traits in the high producing dairy cows herd of black-motley breed with the high level of holsteins has been studied. With the increasing the period of use cows up to 7 or more lactations, coefficients of variation of all monitored indicators declined in connection with the removal of cows with extreme indicators of productivity and longevity during first 3-4 lactations. The correlation coefficients of milk yields during the first, highest lactation and in lifetime, regardless of the period of use is closely related to the life-long milk yield, milk yield per day of productive life and milk yield per day of life. The heritability coefficients (h²) of the indicators of longevity with increasing period of use cows up to 5 or more lactations has tended to increase: by the age of first calving from 0.01 to 0.16, by the number of highest lactation from 0.18 to 0.33, by milking days from 0.10 to 0.30, by lifetime milk yields from 0.18 to 0.32, and by days of life from 0.01 up to 0.21. The highest repeatability of indicators of milk yield, milk fat, body weight of cows regardless of the duration of their use was for the adjacent lactations (1 and 2, 2 and 3, 3 and 4, 4 and 5, 5 and 6). With increasing distance of lactations from each other the coefficient of repeatability of these traits is lowered.
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To develop bacteriological regulations for harvesting and storing haylage, microbial contamination of feeds has been studied using different technologies for harvesting haylage and laying fodder in trench and concrete ring silos, and rolls. It was noted that the analyzed forage samples had no pathogenic microorganisms and Enterobacteriaceae, including Salmonella. There was a lack of toxicity in all analyzed silage samples. The values for the number of mesophilic aerobic and elective anaerobic bacteria, and concentrations of lactic-acid bacteria, mold and yeast fungi in samples were lower than in the feedstock. Microbial contamination values were better for haylage obtained from the plants cut 25 cm above the ground level (when compared to the plants cut to 9 cm height). Rates of contamination were lower in haylage packed into film bags than into trench silos that might give reason to recommend the given harvesting technique. Permissible contaminant levels without any negative impact on haylage quality have been identified.
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Small business development is one of the key elements of Russian economy growth promoting formation of the
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Disparity of prices in the Republic of Mari El leads to the redistribution of value, created by the producers of meat raw materials, in favour of the processing industry and trade through reduced prices when buying raw meat. However, the exchange between the related sectors should be equivalent, that is, to ensure the normal level of profit on expended equal capital. One of the main conditions of the intensive development of meat industry in the Republic of Mari El is an accelerated growth of the consumption of meat inside the Republic, which means the transfer of this product category to the goods of prosperity for the inhabitants of the Republic. This will require significantly increasing production capacities of meat processing enterprises in the territory of the Republic, which, in turn, leads to the establishment and development of regional meat cluster.
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The article analyzes the problematic issues of modern infrastructure of the grain market. The base of grain elevators in Kursk region has been analyzed and the estimation results of the appropriateness of the construction of new line elevators are presented. The problems of the logistic maintenance of export operations in the grain market are examined, alternative interaction on rail transport - shipper routes has been proposed. The directions of improving the implementation of export operations in the part of the interlinkages export balances and domestic consumption next year have been substantiated by quotas on the importation of meat products and the volume of carry-over stocks on the basis of the concept of food security of the country. Measures to enhance the level of the processing organization of export operations are proposed. Modern problems and prospects of development of the exchange unit have been discussed. The necessity of improving the species diversity of exported grain has been substantiated. Promising lines of development of the infrastructure of export-oriented grain market have been discussed.
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Nowadays, small business plays an important role in assessing the gross domestic product of the agricultural industry. This is possible thanks to the active state support, which is aimed at developing small and medium business. However, its further development is impossible without creating conditions and mechanisms which contribute to the better interaction between small farms and other subjects of the economic relations. The purpose of this study is to spot the factors and priorities for the state agrarian policy that enhance the competitiveness of farms in the agricultural sector. The authors reviewed the results of the farms’ economic activity. The main information source is the Federal State Statistics Service (Russat). To investigate the causes and factors determining the efficiency of their economic activities, the authors interviewed some farm directors of the different administrative districts of the Orel region in the period from 2012 to 2014. The authors determined the role and economic significance of the further development of the small farms in ensuring the competitiveness of the agriculture sector. The detailed analysis of the conditions of their economic activity in the municipal districts of the Orel region revealed the key deterrents: the underdeveloped farming material and technical base, lack of financial resources and unavailability of long-term credits, low-skilled managers, lack of the agricultural service, difficulties of product sales and high risks in the production. It is necessary to develop the organizational and economic mechanism of the state regulation for achieving financial stability and higher competitiveness of small farms in the agricultural sector.
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Increased attention to the production of rape is caused by a number of energy and economic factors. The first relates to the limited production of the traditional forms of energy, ensuring environmental security, bioenergy development. The second factor is defined by the fact that conditions of managing are encourage agricultural producers to look for different ways to improve the economic efficiency of their production, to ensure the competitiveness of their products. Forming pricing policy and supporting pricing system is a key and priority function of the participants of oil and fat subcomplex. It contributes to achieve sustainable output production and solvent demand of population; overcome the disparity in prices; regulation of relations between the spheres of agriculture. Only taking into account the indicated conditions, it is possible to effectively use of resource potential and changes in the structure of the food complex due to the priority in the production of the most valuable and energy-intensive products and raw materials.