Асимметрия наружного основания черепа долихоцефалов по данным триангулометрии
Аджисалиев Г.Р., Дьяченко А.П.
The triangulometry data on the asymmetry (or symmetry) of the external base of the skull in dolichocephals are presented. The areas of triangles formed by the incisive and greater palatine foramens (the anterior part of the external base of the skull), incisive and spinous foramens (the middle part of the external base of the skull), incisive and stylomastoid foramens (the posterior part of the external base of the skull) have been determined and compared. It has been established that in dolichocephals the most symmetrical part is the posterior part of the external base of the skull, which can be considered as the most stable. The most asymmetrical part is the anterior part of the external base of the skull. Complete symmetry of the external base of the skull has not been found in dolichocephals.
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Сравнительный анализ материнской смертности и младенческой смертности в Нигерии и странах Брикс
Golubova T. N., Makhkamova Z. R., Caroline Oluchukwu Obi
Any health care system aiming to reduce pregnancy-related mortality must focus on maternal and newborn health. Despite the high economic potential, Nigeria has very low health indicators, and it is especially related to women and children. Using official world and national statistic sources, we have made a comparative analysis of the dynamics of maternal mortality ratio and infant mortality rate in Nigeria and BRICS countries in 1990-2013 to estimate the demographic situation and health care efficiency and find ways to improve women and infant health in Nigeria. Despite of the increase of health financing, Nigeria’s infant mortality rate and maternal mortality ratio remain higher than those of BRICS, and these indicators are practically the highest in the world. Among the main reasons for the high maternal and infant mortality in Nigeria, we state the low level of education of women, low availability of skilled medical care, especially antenatal care coverage, and lack of money in the population for getting this assistance. The main ways to improve Nigeria women’s health we see in strengthening the state policy in increasing women’s education level, ensuring access to health care, especially at the antenatal period, counselling on family planning and the importance of propaganda of contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancies and HIV infection.
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Динамика психосоматических показателей у хирургических стоматологических больных при их коррекции
Джерелей А.А., Крючков Д.Ю.
The illness definitely affect the person’s psychological state, as evidenced by the results of earlier researches. With signs of a disease of the tissues or organs in the maxillofacial region, the psychological response may vary and change its intensity. B ased on the results of our study, we identify in clinical events of maxillofacial surgery three psychosomatic subgroups: anxiety-obsessive-phobic, euphoric-anosognosiс, and harmonious. The adverse impact of the psychological factors on the disease course can be reduced througha complex treatment with necessary additions and changes that make possible the development of standardized therapeutic treatment regimens that we have designed forevery subgroup. The work is based on the examination outcome and postoperative monitoring of 312 patients with surgical diseases in the maxillofacial region. F or the treatment of patients of the anxiety-obsessive-phobic subgroup we used psychotherapy, prolonged sedation, sedative drugs, anti-depressants, antioxidants and the means of activating the blood coagulation system. The applied therapeutic measures reduced the level of anxiety and fear, improved sleep, increasedthe energy potential. The representatives of the euphoric-anosognosiс subgroup received a different treatment - psychotherapy, librоpsychotherapy, sedatives. The analysis of the results showed that in the anxiety-obsessive-phobic subgroup the blood pressure decreased before surgery, the blood coagulation activity was absent, the expression of the lipid peroxidation manifestations and the symptoms of local inflammation processes decreased. The same trend was observed in the patients of the euphoric-anosognosiс subgroup. The treatment outcome was a reduction in the frequency of postoperative hematomas - from 30.77% down to 8.39%, a decrease in the intensity of pain and edema from 47.93% down to 18.18%. Such changes provide aesthetic formation of the scar and help to accelerate the process of psychological rehabilitation of the patient and their normal psychological reactions to the disease and treatment.
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Разгружающий акушерский пессарий как дополнение к лечению истмико-цервикальной недостаточности
Егорова Я.А., Рыбалка А.Н.
The article presents the results of a study of the course and outcomes of pregnancy in patients with cervicoisthmic incompetence (CII). The comparative characteristics of surgical and non-surgical methods for correction of this pathology are presented. In addition, the article describes effective application of the combined method of treatment of CII in pregnant women with high perinatal risk.
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Коррекция вторичной митохондриальной дисфункции цитофлавином у самцов крыс в условиях гемической гипоксии
Заднипряный И.В., Третьякова О.С., Сатаева Т.П.
The morphological substrate of secondary mitochondrial dysfunction in terms of hemic myocardial hypoxia induced by sodium nitrite is manifested in the form of developed cardiomyocyte mitochondria damage of lytic and vacuolar type, expressed as a violation of the integrity of their membranes, destruction of cristae, and disunity of intermitochondrial contacts. Injections of a derivative of the succinic acid - preparation “Cytoflavin” during hypoxia can reduce the damage to male rat cardiomyocytes under hypoxic conditions.
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Нефропротекторные свойства комбинированной антигипертензивной терапии
Крутиков Е.С., Чистякова С.И., Василас К., Польская Л.В.
Nephroprotective properties of combined antihypertensive therapy in subclinical renal impairment in patients with essential hypertension were examined. The combination of aliskiren and lerkanidipine has advantages over the combination of ramipril and amlodipine for patients with the moderate degree of essential hypertension in achieving the target values of systolic and diastolic blood pressure. In patients taking aliskiren and lerkanidipine there is a reliable increase in the velocity parameters of renal blood flow with the parallel reduction of the resistance indices. Thus, this combination makes it possible to improve the renal blood flow and to decrease the intrarenal vascular resistance of the therapy. Both combinations of antihypertensive medications allow reducing hyperfiltration and microalbuminuria.
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Изменения микроциркуляции в тканях пародонта у больных с абдоминальным ожирением
Крючков Д.Ю., Романенко И. Г., Джерелей А.А.
In patients with abdominal obesity, a clinical study of the periodontal status and reoparodontografy have been performed. The qualitative and quantitative amplitude indicators of reoparodontogramms have been established, as well as the rheographic index, the vascular tone index, the elasticity index, and the peripheral resistance index. The systemic blood flow and functional state of the vessels have been assessed with use of rheoencephalography, taking into account the nature of its ascending portion and its duration, the shape of the top, location of notch, quantitative amplitude and speed indices. It has been established that the abdominal obesity is associated with formation of chronic generalized periodontitis with severe disorders of the microcirculation in the periodontal tissues. The nature of regional blood flow changes in the periodontal tissues matches the features of systemic disorders of microcirculation in patients with obesity and is accompanied by vasospasm, reduced effective blood flow, impaired elastic properties of the vascular wall.
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Достижение контроля артериальной гипертензии у больных хронической обструктивной болезнью лёгких при использованиификсированной комбинации периндоприла и амлодипина
Крючкова О.Н., Костюкова Е.А., Лебедь Е.И., Ицкова Е.А., Турна Э.Ю., Захарова М.А.
In assessing the dynamics of indicators of ambulatory blood pressure, monitoring in patients with arterial hypertension and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, after a month of therapy with a fixed combination of perindopril and amlodipine, in a large majority of patients (86%) the target BP levelswere achieved. N o side effects during therapy were observed. The treatment led toa statistically significant decrease of the daily average systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure, the blood pressure parameters at the day and night time were reduced too. In the analysis of the circadian blood pressure profile prior to the therapy,in most cases we observed patients with elevated blood pressure or absence of blood pressure reduction at night (night-peaker- 32%, non-dipper - 51%, dipper - 18%). Thatwas associated with exacerbation of bronchial obstruction at night accompanied by activation of the neurohormonal systems (sympaticoadrenal and RAA S) and an increaseof the blood pressure. In the treatment process, the percentage of patients with abnormal circadian rhythm (nightpeaker- 22%, non-dipper - 36%) decreased and, accordingly, the number of patients with physiologic nocturnal blood pressure reduced (dipper to 42%).
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Функциональное состояние сердечно-сосудистой системы спортсменов и не спортсменов в возрасте 12-14 лет, как связанные с основными содержаниями тяжелых металлов в волосах
Perekotii O.V., Evstafyeva I.A., Evstafyeva E.V.
У 15 пловцов и 39 обычных школьников в возрасте 12-14 лет исследовали сердечно-сосудистую систему с помощью реографии, оценивали содержание цинка, железа, селена в волосах методом рентгеновской спектрофотометрии. Установили существенную разницу в содержании Fe, Zn и Se в волосах между спортсменами и не спортсменами в возрасте 12-14 лет. Отличия в гемодинамике между этими группами была более выражена при физической нагрузке. Рассчитали индекс детерминации элементного дисбаланса на сердечно-сосудистую систему. Корреляционный анализ показал количественное соотношение сердечно-сосудистой деятельности к уровням основных тяжелых металлов в организме: Fe(40)>Zn (39)>Cu(20)>Se(0) у спортсменов и Se(46)>Fe(39)>Zn (25)>Си(2) у обычных школьников.
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Отдаленные результаты после различных методов оперирования хронического комбинированного геморроя
СЕЛИВАНОВ А.В., Бутырский А.Г., Леоненко С.Н., Тагаева А.С.
The study involved 125 patients operated for chronic combined hemorrhoids (CCH). We divided them into three groups: I - after Milligan-Morgan’s operation, II - after Ferguson’s operation, III - after suggested separate closed hemorroidectomy (SCH) by Selivanov. The research showed that after 12 months of treatment in Group I good results made 94%, satisfactory - 4%, unsatisfactory - 2%, in Group II- 96%, 2% and 2% respectively, in Group III- 96%, 4% and 0% respectively. A life quality study made after 12 months of treatment showed a clear superiority of Group III practically for all the parameters according to the data of the inquiry SF-36. This gives the ground to suggest SCH as an alternative method of treatment of CCH.
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