Безруков С.Г., Роганов Г.Г.
The effectiveness of treatment of patients with mandibular fractures by addingthe antioxidant Erbisol to the therapeutic complex for local and general application is assessed.
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Беляева Е.А., Кривенцов М.А.
The purpose of our experimental study was to assess the structural changes of the submandibular salivary gland on the 7th and 30th days after a single total gamma irradiation at a dose of 5 Gy. With use of a complex morphological approach, we have revealed that the organ structure is characterized by phasic changes. On the 7th day of the experiment, intercellular edema and periacinar, perivascular and periductal edema were most pronounced and accompanied by microcirculation alteration. On the 30th day after irradiation, dystrophy and alteration of the structural and functional components of the submandibular salivary gland were still present, with atrophy signs of the terminal portions and ducts of the gland.
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Динамика физической работоспособности у больны х вертеброгенными дорсалгиями при проведении лечебно -реабилита ционны х мероприятий
The article presents an assessment of the dynamics of physical work capacity in patients with vertebrogenic dorsalgia with use of different types of complex rehabilitation. It has been established that in patients with vertebrogenic dorsalgia, using the proposed method of complex differentiated rehabilitation that includes physical therapy administered to a patient with consideration of the patient’s clinical and vegetative status and physical development, there is a significantly greater recovery of the physical-work capacity than with conventional rehabilitation methods.
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Психогенно обусловленные нару шения менструальной функции у девочек -подростков и их коррек ция
Брауде И.Е., Корсунская Л.Л., Митрохина А.О.
Психофармакотерапия тревоги и депрессии у подростков с психогенно обусловленными на- рушениями менструальной функции должна быть строго индивидуализированной, максимально ща- дящей и простой.
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Эффективность лечения хронического гранулирую щего периодонтита с использованием комбина ции гепатопротекторов и пребиотиков
Демьяненко С.А., Марченко Н.В., Тофан Ю.В., Кириченко В.Н.
The article presents the results of chronic granulating periodontitis treatment that has been carried out for 46 patients. Comprehensive treatment with use of hepatoprotector and prebiotics Quertulin and Biotreat Plus was applied for the patients of the main group (20 persons). The second group consisted of 26 patients; they were treated according to the traditional methods. It has been established that the combined treatment accelerates reparation of the periodontium tissues within a period of 30 days, reducing the treatment term. This is confirmed by lower rates of ALT, AST, and alkaline phosphatase.
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Распространенность анемического синдрома и динамика уровня цитокинов под влиянием санаторно -курортной реабилита ции У БОЛЬНЫХ ХРОНИЧЕСКОЙ СЕРДЕЧНОЙ НЕДОСТАТОЧНОСТЬЮ
У больных ХСН I ФК по NYHA отсутствие клинического улучшения (уменьшение одышки) под влиянием восстановительного лечения в условиях специализированных санаториев Южного берега Крыма ассоциировано с наличием исходного (при поступлении в санаторий) анемического синдрома (у 71 % больных), преимущественно нормохромного и нормоцитарного характера (анемия хронического заболевания), а также с отсутствием снижения уровня провоспалительных цитокинов TNF-α и IL-1β.
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Назо Интестинальная интуба ция и энтеросорб ция в комплексе мероприятий по коррек ции синдрома энтеральной недостаточности
Ильченко Ф.Н., Ляшенко Н.В., Гончарук В.А.
This article studies the unique features of the integrated application of naso-intestinal intubation and intestinal therapy in patients with peritonitis and acute intestinal obstruction. The technique for enterosorption using sorbent Diosmectite in combination with other treatment methods has been also described. It demonstrates the data of positive dynamics in parameters of endogenous intoxication while using this sorbent in Enteral insufficiency syndrome.
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The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or endotoxin is a component of the outer cell wall of gram-negative microorganisms and plays the main pathogenic role in sepsis. The bioluminescent method is proposed to determine the endotoxin-neutralizing capacity of the blood plasma. It is based on measuring the bacterial luminescence inhibition effected by biocidal substances. We used one of such compounds, specifically polymyxin B (PmB), which has a high binding affinity to LPS. Their interaction leads to both neutralization of the endotoxic activities and reduction of antibiotic activities. The ability of LPS to bind PmB decreases in presence of blood plasma. As a result, the free antibiotic concentration increases, which causes the bacterial luminescence intensity to decrease. We have found experimental conditions under which the bioluminescent signal in the bioassay is the index of the endotoxin-neutralizing capacity of the blood plasma. The bioluminescent analysis of donors’ plasma showed that the average value of the endotoxin-neutralizing activity was 75.8±5.2%.
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Взаимосвязь гиперплазии эндометрия и эндокринны х нару шений у женщин раннего и позднего репродуктивного возраста
The study analyzed the features of the development of proliferative endometrial diseases in 101 women of early and late reproductive age in combination with various endocrine disorders. It was found that endometrial hyperplasia in more than half of the cases combined with thyroid disease such as autoimmune thyroiditis, diffuse or nodular goiter. Severe endometrial proliferative processes in the form of complex hyperplasia without atypia and with atypia are development in 3 times more often in women with metabolic disorders. Diagnostic process in women with endometrial hyperplasia should include a thorough assessment of endocrine function and identification of related proliferative diseases.
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Передние увеиты, ассо циированные со спондилоартритами : особенности клинического течения
Копаенко А.И., ИВАНОВА Н.В.
The article presents the results of the survey of 142 patients (146 eyes) with HLA-B27-associated anterior uveitis. The patients were divided into two groups: the first group consisted of 69 patients with systemic HLAB27- associated diseases (spondylitis), the second group comprised 72 patients without systemic diseases. We have established that in the first group the relative number of eyes with 3+ and 4+ degrees of inflammation was 1.3 times larger (p
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Кузнецов Н.С., Кириленко Е. Н., Сахалтуев А.Д., Смуглов Е.П.
The parameters of daily blood pressure monitoring (DBPM) were studied at hospital in 40 healthy patients and 136 patients with essential hypertension of moderate degree, including 58 patients with metabolic syndrome (MS). The aim of the study was to compare the efficiency of hospital treatment of these two groups of patients. It has been established that in patients with MS, a smaller efficiency of treatment is related to the initially higher level of absolute, velocity and integral parameters of the morning rise of blood pressure (MRBP) and heart rate (HR), and with smaller changes of them at antihypertensive therapy. The formula of the integral hemodynamic index of the morning hazard outcomes is proposed. The data prove the importance of regular MRBP and HR control when choosing therapeutic tactics for reducing cardio-vascular complications in the morning hours in hypertensive patients.
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We have investigated the performance of the antioxidant and the trypsin-like activity of mixed saliva in patients with thyroid dysfunction. These parameters were by 34.2% and 39.8% as compared to the control.
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Анализ заболеваемости и клиническая характеристикa поллинозов у детей города симферополя
The article presents the results of an analysis of pollinosis in children of Simferopol aged 3 to 17 years. An estimation of the pollinosis level as function of sex and season is presented. The major allergens of the Simferopol geographic region are considered.
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Органометрические параметры надпочечных желез крыс в период реадаптации после 60-дневного введения бензоата натрия или тартразина
The dynamic changes of organometric parameters of rat’s adrenal glands in the readaptation period after a 60-day daily intragastric administration of sodium benzoate or tartrazine at dosages 500, 1000 and 750, 1500 mg/kg body weight respectively were studied in the experiment on 175 white mongrel mature male rats. It was showed a decrease of their linear dimensions, the absolute mass, volume and increase of density, compared with those of control group. The less pronounced and prolonged changes (by the 15th day of readaptation period) were identified in the group using sodium benzoate at a dosage of 500 mg/kg body weight, and most pronounced - in the group using tartrazine at a dosage 1500 mg/kg body weight which were determined up to 45th day of readaptation period.
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Современная концепция лечения больных одонтогенными флегмонами
A new paradigm of treatment of odontogenic abscesses and phlegmons is suggested. For rapid decrease of endotoxicosis, including continuous aspiration of wound exudates, application of anti-inflammatory preparations and enterosorbentes is proposed. A comparative analysis of the dynamics of clinical and laboratory parameters was carried out in patients taking the traditional treatment and the treatment suggested. Faster normalization of the state and indices of the homeostasis system has been proved. The new paradigm allows stopping the use of antibiotics in patients with mildly marked systemic inflammatory reaction and decrease the use of antibiotics for patients with the marked syndrome.
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моноклональные антитела к липофорину из гемолфмы имаго adscita (adscita) geryon (hübner, 1813) (lepidoptera: zygaenidae, procridinae): получение и перспективы применения
Паршкова Е. В., Ефетов К. А.
Four hybridoma strains producing monoclonal antibodies to lipophorin from imago hemolymph of Adscita (Adscita) geryon (Hübner, 1813) (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae, Procridinae) were developed with the help of hybridoma technology. The properties of obtained monoclonal antibodies allow to recommend them for investigations of human immunoglobulins, as well as for studies of phylogenetic relationships in the family Zygaenidae and solving biosystematics problems.
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Особенности функционального состояния сердечно-сосудистой системы у подростков с разным уровнем двигательной активности в связи с содержанием цинка в волосах
The cardiovascular system was researched by reography, and the zinc content in hair was determined by X-ray spectrophotometry in 30 swimmers and 39 ordinary schoolchildren aged 12-14 years. A total Zn deficiency and normal content of Zn in athletes and non-athletes accordingly were revealed accordingly. An essential difference in the hemodynamic parameters in these tested groups was revealed too. The correlation analysis by Spearman and integrative indices of the induced Zn effect on the cardiovascular system has shown that the significance of this essential element for the cardiovascular system in athletes was relatively more expressed than in non-athletes.
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Медикаментозная терапия нарушения кровотока в системе мать-плацента-плод у беременных с дисфункцией плаценты
Романенко Н.М., Тархан М. О.
The article is devoted to the problem of treatment of the blood-flow disturbance in the system motherplacenta- fetus in pregnant women with placenta dysfunction. The relative results of dopplerometric researches of the feto-placental and utero-placental blood-flow after medicamental therapy are presented.
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Применение сиропа спирулины «vitaspirum» с целью профилактики гестозов (гестационных гипертензионных состояний) и анемии беременных
Рыбалка А.Н., Аникин С.С., Симачева С.А., Кондратюк Д.В.
The experience of using the syrup containing live spirulina for the purpose of preventing gestational hightension states and anemia in pregnant women is analysed. The analysis of the domestic and world literature on the studied problem is carried out. The most effective modes of daily dosing and duration of therapy are offered and proved.
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Сверхсмертность мужчин как актуальная проблема современного общества
Сухарева И.А., Третьякова О.С.
The article presents a comparative analysis of supermortality of men in Ukraine, Russian Federation, and European region. The basic risk factors are establised. The necessity of searching effective ways of influencing these processes is stated, with the goal to improve the demographic situation.
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Ультраструктурные изменения в лёгких крыс при воздействии 10-дневных поперечно-направленных гравитационных перегрузок
An ultramicroscopic research of the lungs of three age groups of rats after 10-day exposure to gravitational overload was performed. The morphological research revealed more or less definite changes, such as a disturbance in the microcirculation and development of dystrophic and compensator-adaptive processes.
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Морфологическая и иммунногистохимическая оценка плазмоцитов в слизистой двенадцатиперстной кишки и коже у больных псориазом, ассоциированным с глютеновой энтеропатией
Яссер Халед Абдель Карим Масадех
36 psoriasis patients with the PASI index of 3 to 27 points who had a positive reaction at determination of the title of antibodies to endomisium (EMA ) of the IGA class. Through endoscopic and histological analyses of the duodenum mucous membrane, three groups of patients with psoriasis and celiac disease were selected depending on the stage of the celiac disease: group 1 (n = 17) for the infiltrative stage, group 2 (n = 12) for the hyperplastic stage, group 3 (n = 7) for the atrophy stage. The number of plasma cells in the lamina propria of duodenal ulcer and dermis in psoriasis associated with gluten enteropathy increases depending on the stage. The highest rates are found in the atrophic stage. The plasma cells in the inflammatory infiltrate of the villous duodenal mucosa are absent and only appear at the hyperplastic and atrophic stage. The increasing number of plasma cells in the stroma of the mucous membrane of the duodenal ulcer and the dermal infiltrate of the skin indicate the active function of plasma cells in the secretion of immunoglobulin A, which greatly complements the pathogenesis of comorbid diseases and determines the degree of severity of clinical manifestations. The increase of amount of CD68 macrophages in inflammatory infiltration of the duodenum mucous membrane and the skin is an important moment in understanding the pathogeny of the autoimmune process at psoriasis associated with gluten enteropathy. The presence of interepidermal CD68 macrophages at the atrophy stage is a histological feature of skin psoriasis in patients with gluten enteropathy.
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Гематологические показатели периферической крови человека при воздействии электромагнитного излучения мобильных телефонов
Ященко С.Г., Рыбалко С.Ю., Бутырская И.Б., Смирнов А.Ю., Филлипова Ю.П.
The influence of electromagnetic radiation generated by mobile phones (MP) on the hematological parameters of peripheral blood has been studied. The results indicate the influence of the individual electromagnetic load dose (IELD) on the hemoglobin concentration, its average content of erythrocytes, hematocrit and absolute platelet content of trombocyte, and on the leukocyte formula. The gender division gives a direct correlation between IELD and the absolute level of the red blood cells, and, for men, hematocrit as well. For women, the hematocrit is associated with IELD by the inverse correlation.
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Секретоглобин scgb1a1 - фактор иммунитета, регулирующий функции слизистых
Малая Н.К., Каладзе Н.Н., Малый К.Д.
Secretoglobin SCGB1A1 is a protein synthesized by the secretory airway epithelial cells (club or Clara cells) and other epithelial cells of the respiratory and urogenital ways. The secretoglobin family 1A member 1 (SCGB1A1) refers to the secretoglobin superfamily of proteins involved in maintaining the homeostasis at oxidative damage, inflammation, autoimmune processes and carcinogenesis. It is a multifunctional protein with antiinflammatory, immunomodulatory properties. In addition, it has antichemotactic, antiallergic, antitumorigenic, and embryonic growth-stimulatory properties. Genetic polymorphism in the SCGB 1A1 gene is associated with several inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. These properties make it possible to use secretoglobin for diagnostics and treatment of inflammatory, autoimmune and allergic diseases.
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Эритропоэтин и его неэритропоэтические эффекты
Erythropoietin is the main stimulator of hypoxia-induced erythropoiesis. It is commonly used for treatment of chronic renal failure accompanied by anemia. In experimental studies, erythropoietin has shown cardioprotective, neuroprotective, and antiapoptotic properties. It takes part in angiogenesis, immune response and oxidative stress regulation. Erythropoietin decreases myocardial ischemia, improves myocardial pumping function, diminish neuronal death in patients with ischemia and trauma. Non-erythropoietic effects of erythropoietin show perspectives for using this drug in treatment of different diseases; however, serious side effects block its common use in clinical practice.
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Синдром раздраженного кишечника: роль диетического питания в терапии
This review is dedicated to one of the current issues of modern gastroenterology - the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Data about the role of dietary factors in the pathogenesis and clinical picture of IBS is presented. The main principles of the diet therapy of patients with IBS are discussed.
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