Applying math modelling methods for forecasting the engineering system states
Applying math modelling methods for forecasting the engineering system states
Авторы: Demin A., Dmitrieva S.
Издательство: НИУ ИТМО (Санкт-Петербургский национальный исследовательский университет информационных технологий, механики и оптики)
2016 г.
Кол-во страниц: 108
О книге:
The educational book reviews the issues concerning the application of math modelling at forecasting states and behaviour of multi-parameter engineering systems in the context of modern research methods, i.e. according to a new task of mathematical physics – the task of engineering system synthesis.
The educational book up in accordance with the State educational standard of higher professional education in the areas 12.04.02 – "OPTICAL ENGINEERING", 09.04.01 – "INFORMATICS AND COMPUTERS" and addressed to the students enrolled in master's degree programs – "optical-digital information-measuring and control systems" and "mathematical models and computer simulation".