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A Man may make a Remark Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

A Man may make a Remark

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
The Skies can't keep their secret! Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Skies can't keep their secret!

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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The Show is not the Show Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Show is not the Show

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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The Service without Hope Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Service without Hope

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Luck is not chance Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Luck is not chance

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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A Moth the hue of this Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

A Moth the hue of this

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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The Sky is low — the Clouds are mean. Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Sky is low — the Clouds are mean.

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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A Mien to move a Queen Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

A Mien to move a Queen

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Morning that comes but once Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Morning that comes but once

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
My God — He sees thee Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

My God — He sees thee

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
A first Mute Coming Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

A first Mute Coming

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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A fuzzy fellow, without feet Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

A fuzzy fellow, without feet

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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A happy lip — breaks sudden Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

A happy lip — breaks sudden

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Nature affects to be sedate Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Nature affects to be sedate

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Nature assigns the Sun Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Nature assigns the Sun

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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No Life can pompless pass away Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

No Life can pompless pass away

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Nature can do no more Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Nature can do no more

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
A House upon the Height Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

A House upon the Height

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
A Lady red — amid the Hill Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

A Lady red — amid the Hill

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson