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The Sun and Moon must make their haste Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Sun and Moon must make their haste

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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The Spirit is the Conscious Ear. Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Spirit is the Conscious Ear.

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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The Spider holds a Silver Ball Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Spider holds a Silver Ball

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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The Soul that hath a Guest Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Soul that hath a Guest

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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The Soul selects her own Society Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Soul selects her own Society

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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The Soul has Bandaged moments Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Soul has Bandaged moments

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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The Soul unto itself Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Soul unto itself

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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The Soul's distinct connection Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Soul's distinct connection

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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A feather from the Whippoorwill Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

A feather from the Whippoorwill

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
The Soul's Superior instants Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Soul's Superior instants

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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The Sunrise runs for Both Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Sunrise runs for Both

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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The Wind begun to knead the Grass Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Wind begun to knead the Grass

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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The Wind — tapped like a tired Man Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Wind — tapped like a tired Man

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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The Whole of it came not at once Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Whole of it came not at once

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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The Winters are so short Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Winters are so short

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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The Zeroes — taught us — Phosphorous Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Zeroes — taught us — Phosphorous

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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The World — feels Dusty Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The World — feels Dusty

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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