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To lose thee — sweeter than to gain Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

To lose thee — sweeter than to gain

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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To make One's Toilette — after Death Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

To make One's Toilette — after Death

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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To my quick ear the Leaves — conferred Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

To my quick ear the Leaves — conferred

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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To my small Hearth His fire came Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

To my small Hearth His fire came

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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To offer brave assistance Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

To offer brave assistance

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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To One denied the drink Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

To One denied the drink

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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To own the Art within the Soul Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

To own the Art within the Soul

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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To put this World down, like a Bundle Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

To put this World down, like a Bundle

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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To see her is a Picture Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

To see her is a Picture

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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To this World she returned. Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

To this World she returned.

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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To venerate the simple days Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

To venerate the simple days

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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To wait an Hour — is long Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

To wait an Hour — is long

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Too little way the House must lie Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Too little way the House must lie

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Triumph — may be of several kinds Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Triumph — may be of several kinds

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Trust in the Unexpected Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Trust in the Unexpected

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Truth — is as old as God Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Truth — is as old as God

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Twas a long Parting — but the time Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Twas a long Parting — but the time

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Twas Crisis — All the length had passed Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Twas Crisis — All the length had passed

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Twas just this time, last year, I died. Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Twas just this time, last year, I died.

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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