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I see thee clearer for the Grave Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

I see thee clearer for the Grave

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
I send you a decrepit flower Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

I send you a decrepit flower

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
I shall not murmur if at last Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

I shall not murmur if at last

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
I should not dare to be so sad Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

I should not dare to be so sad

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
I suppose the time will come Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

I suppose the time will come

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
I thought that nature was enough Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

I thought that nature was enough

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
I took one Draught of Life Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

I took one Draught of Life

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
I was a Phoebe — nothing more Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

I was a Phoebe — nothing more

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
I'd rather recollect a setting Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

I'd rather recollect a setting

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
If all the griefs I am to have Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

If all the griefs I am to have

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
If ever the lid gets off my head Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

If ever the lid gets off my head

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson