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This Merit hath the worst Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

This Merit hath the worst

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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This quiet Dust was Gentleman and Ladies Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

This quiet Dust was Gentleman and Ladies

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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This that would greet — an hour ago Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

This that would greet — an hour ago

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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This was a Poet — It is That Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

This was a Poet — It is That

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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This was in the White of the Year Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

This was in the White of the Year

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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This World is not Conclusion. Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

This World is not Conclusion.

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Tho' I get home how late — how late Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Tho' I get home how late — how late

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Tho' my destiny be Fustian Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Tho' my destiny be Fustian

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Those fair — fictitious People Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Those fair — fictitious People

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Through lane it lay — through bramble Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Through lane it lay — through bramble

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Through the Dark Sod — as Education Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Through the Dark Sod — as Education

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Through the strait pass of suffering Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Through the strait pass of suffering

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Tie the Strings to my Life, My Lord Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Tie the Strings to my Life, My Lord

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Till Death — is narrow Loving Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Till Death — is narrow Loving

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Time feels so vast that were it not Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Time feels so vast that were it not

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Tis Anguish grander than Delight Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Tis Anguish grander than Delight

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Tis customary as we part Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Tis customary as we part

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Tis good — the looking back on Grief Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Tis good — the looking back on Grief

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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