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I shall not murmur if at last Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

I shall not murmur if at last

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
I should not dare to be so sad Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

I should not dare to be so sad

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
I suppose the time will come Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

I suppose the time will come

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
I thought that nature was enough Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

I thought that nature was enough

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
I took one Draught of Life Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

I took one Draught of Life

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
I was a Phoebe — nothing more Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

I was a Phoebe — nothing more

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
I'd rather recollect a setting Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

I'd rather recollect a setting

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
If all the griefs I am to have Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

If all the griefs I am to have

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
If ever the lid gets off my head Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

If ever the lid gets off my head

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
If my Bark sink Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

If my Bark sink

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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