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Had I not seen the Sun Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Had I not seen the Sun

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Had we known the Ton she bore Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Had we known the Ton she bore

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Had we our senses Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Had we our senses

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
В корзину
Haita the Shepherd Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce

Haita the Shepherd

Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce
He is alive, this morning Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

He is alive, this morning

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
He lived the Life of Ambush Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

He lived the Life of Ambush

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
He scanned it — staggered Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

He scanned it — staggered

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
He went by sleep that drowsy route Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

He went by sleep that drowsy route

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
В корзину
Her face was in a bed of hair Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Her face was in a bed of hair

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Her little Parasol to lift Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Her little Parasol to lift

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Her sovereign People Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Her sovereign People

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Her spirit rose to such a height Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Her spirit rose to such a height

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson