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Зарубежная классика (на языке оригинала)

A Volume of Nonsense George Gordon Byron

A Volume of Nonsense

George Gordon Byron
The Vision of Judgment George Gordon Byron

The Vision of Judgment

George Gordon Byron
Vision of Belshazzar George Gordon Byron

Vision of Belshazzar

George Gordon Byron
When we Two parted George Gordon Byron

When we Two parted

George Gordon Byron
Napoleon's Farewell George Gordon Byron

Napoleon's Farewell

George Gordon Byron
My Soul is Dark George Gordon Byron

My Soul is Dark

George Gordon Byron
Ode from the French George Gordon Byron

Ode from the French

George Gordon Byron
Ode on Venice George Gordon Byron

Ode on Venice

George Gordon Byron
The Wild Gazelle George Gordon Byron

The Wild Gazelle

George Gordon Byron
A Woman's Hair George Gordon Byron

A Woman's Hair

George Gordon Byron
Versicles George Gordon Byron


George Gordon Byron
Translation from Horace George Gordon Byron

Translation from Horace

George Gordon Byron
To Woman George Gordon Byron

To Woman

George Gordon Byron