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Зарубежная классика (на языке оригинала)

Lines to Mr. Hodgson George Gordon Byron

Lines to Mr. Hodgson

George Gordon Byron
Lines to a Lady weeping George Gordon Byron

Lines to a Lady weeping

George Gordon Byron
In the valley of waters George Gordon Byron

In the valley of waters

George Gordon Byron
Impromptu George Gordon Byron


George Gordon Byron
It is the hour  George Gordon Byron

It is the hour

George Gordon Byron
Jeptha's Daughter George Gordon Byron

Jeptha's Daughter

George Gordon Byron
Lara: A Tale George Gordon Byron

Lara: A Tale

George Gordon Byron
Lachin y Gair George Gordon Byron

Lachin y Gair

George Gordon Byron
John Keats George Gordon Byron

John Keats

George Gordon Byron
Imitation of Tibullus George Gordon Byron

Imitation of Tibullus

George Gordon Byron