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When I have seen the Sun emerge Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

When I have seen the Sun emerge

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Remember me implored the Thief! Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Remember me implored the Thief!

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
What would I give to see his face? Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

What would I give to see his face?

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Praise it — 'tis dead Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Praise it — 'tis dead

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Power is a familiar growth Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Power is a familiar growth

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
One thing of it we borrow Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

One thing of it we borrow

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Opinion is a flitting thing Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Opinion is a flitting thing

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Our little secrets slink away Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Our little secrets slink away

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
One Joy of so much anguish Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

One Joy of so much anguish

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
One crown that no one seeks Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

One crown that no one seeks

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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A Bird came down the Walk Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

A Bird came down the Walk

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
On the World you colored Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

On the World you colored

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Our own possessions — though our own Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Our own possessions — though our own

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Pass to they Rendezvous of Light Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Pass to they Rendezvous of Light

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Perhaps they do not go so far Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Perhaps they do not go so far

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Parting with Thee reluctantly Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Parting with Thee reluctantly

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Paradise is that old mansion Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Paradise is that old mansion

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson