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Зарубежная классика (на языке оригинала)

Life, and Death, and Giants Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Life, and Death, and Giants

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Lightly stepped a yellow star Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Lightly stepped a yellow star

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Like Brooms of Steel Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Like Brooms of Steel

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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My country need not change her gown Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

My country need not change her gown

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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No Autumn's intercepting Chill Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

No Autumn's intercepting Chill

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Not knowing when the Dawn will come Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Not knowing when the Dawn will come

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Not One by Heaven defrauded stay Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Not One by Heaven defrauded stay

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Not with a Club, the Heart is broken Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Not with a Club, the Heart is broken

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Not any sunny tone Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Not any sunny tone

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Not any higher stands the Grave Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Not any higher stands the Grave

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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No Brigadier throughout the Year Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

No Brigadier throughout the Year

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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No matter where the Saints abide Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

No matter where the Saints abide

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Let me not mar that perfect Dream Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Let me not mar that perfect Dream

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Let down the Bars, Oh Death Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Let down the Bars, Oh Death

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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I can't tell you — but you feel it Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

I can't tell you — but you feel it

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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I did not reach Thee Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

I did not reach Thee

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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I fit for them Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

I fit for them

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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I bet with every Wind that blew Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

I bet with every Wind that blew

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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How still the Bells in Steeples stand Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

How still the Bells in Steeples stand

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Hope is a subtle Glutton Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Hope is a subtle Glutton

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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