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Американская литература

Without this — there is nought Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Without this — there is nought

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Within my reach! Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Within my reach!

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Would you like summer? Taste of ours. Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Would you like summer? Taste of ours.

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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You cannot put a Fire out Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

You cannot put a Fire out

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Why do I love You, Sir? Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Why do I love You, Sir?

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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You left me — Sire — two Legacies Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

You left me — Sire — two Legacies

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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You know that Portrait in the Moon Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

You know that Portrait in the Moon

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Why make it doubt — it hurts it so Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Why make it doubt — it hurts it so

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Within my Garden, rides a Bird Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Within my Garden, rides a Bird

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Step lightly on this narrow spot Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Step lightly on this narrow spot

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Will there really be a Morning? Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Will there really be a Morning?

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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With thee, in the Desert Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

With thee, in the Desert

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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To see the Summer Sky Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

To see the Summer Sky

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Wild Nights — Wild Nights! Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Wild Nights — Wild Nights!

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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To try to speak, and miss the way Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

To try to speak, and miss the way

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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To the bright east she flies Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

To the bright east she flies

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
The Well upon the Brook Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Well upon the Brook

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
You love me — you are sure Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

You love me — you are sure

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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You love the Lord — you cannot see Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

You love the Lord — you cannot see

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Whether my bark went down at sea Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Whether my bark went down at sea

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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