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Американская литература

The words the happy say Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The words the happy say

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
To own a Susan of my own Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

To own a Susan of my own

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Summer begins to have the look Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Summer begins to have the look

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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We never know how high we are Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

We never know how high we are

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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We learn it in Retreating Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

We learn it in Retreating

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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The Opening and the Close Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Opening and the Close

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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The pattern of the sun Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The pattern of the sun

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
The most pathetic thing I do Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The most pathetic thing I do

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
The Mountains stood in Haze Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Mountains stood in Haze

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
The Pile of Years is not so high Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Pile of Years is not so high

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
The Popular Heart is a Cannon first Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Popular Heart is a Cannon first

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Upon a Lilac Sea Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Upon a Lilac Sea

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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The Riddle we can guess Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Riddle we can guess

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
The Road to Paradise is plain Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Road to Paradise is plain

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Upon his Saddle sprung a Bird Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Upon his Saddle sprung a Bird

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson