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Американская литература

Who were the Father and the Son Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Who were the Father and the Son

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Who never wanted — maddest Joy Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Who never wanted — maddest Joy

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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When Etna basks and purrs Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

When Etna basks and purrs

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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What mystery pervades a well! Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

What mystery pervades a well!

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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We never know we go when we are going Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

We never know we go when we are going

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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When I hoped I feared Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

When I hoped I feared

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Where every bird is bold to go Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Where every bird is bold to go

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Who is it seeks my Pillow Nights Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Who is it seeks my Pillow Nights

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Who has not found the Heaven — below Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Who has not found the Heaven — below

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Though the great Waters sleep Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Though the great Waters sleep

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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The Blunder is in estimate. Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Blunder is in estimate.

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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What we see we know somewhat Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

What we see we know somewhat

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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When a Lover is a Beggar Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

When a Lover is a Beggar

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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When Memory is full Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

When Memory is full

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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The Day she goes Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Day she goes

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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The Days that we can spare Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Days that we can spare

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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What Twigs We held by Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

What Twigs We held by

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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