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Американская литература

Sweet, to have had them lost Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Sweet, to have had them lost

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Sweet Mountains — Ye tell Me no lie Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Sweet Mountains — Ye tell Me no lie

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Taking up the fair Ideal Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Taking up the fair Ideal

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Talk with prudence to a Beggar Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Talk with prudence to a Beggar

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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That after Horror — that 'twas us Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

That after Horror — that 'twas us

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Tell all the Truth but tell it slant Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Tell all the Truth but tell it slant

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Teach Him — When He makes the names Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Teach Him — When He makes the names

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Sweet — You forgot — but I remembered Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Sweet — You forgot — but I remembered

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Sweet — safe — Houses Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Sweet — safe — Houses

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Summer for thee, grant I may be Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Summer for thee, grant I may be

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Such is the Force of Happiness Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Such is the Force of Happiness

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Success is counted sweetest Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Success is counted sweetest

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Sunset at Night — is natural Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Sunset at Night — is natural

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Superfluous were the Sun Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Superfluous were the Sun

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Suspense — is Hostiler than Death Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Suspense — is Hostiler than Death

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Surgeons must be very careful Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Surgeons must be very careful

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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That Distance was between Us Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

That Distance was between Us

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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The Birds reported from the South Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

The Birds reported from the South

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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