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Американская литература

Somewhat, to hope for Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Somewhat, to hope for

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Summer is shorter than any one Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Summer is shorter than any one

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Summer has two Beginnings Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Summer has two Beginnings

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Summer laid her simple Hat Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Summer laid her simple Hat

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Summer — we all have seen Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Summer — we all have seen

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Sunset that screens, reveals Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Sunset that screens, reveals

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Such are the inlets of the mind Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Such are the inlets of the mind

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Somewhere upon the general Earth Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Somewhere upon the general Earth

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Soul, take thy risk Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Soul, take thy risk

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Spring comes on the World Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Spring comes on the World

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Spurn the temerity Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Spurn the temerity

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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So gay a Flower Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

So gay a Flower

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Silence is all we dread Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Silence is all we dread

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Remember me implored the Thief! Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Remember me implored the Thief!

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Red Sea, indeed! Talk not to me Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Red Sea, indeed! Talk not to me

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Not One by Heaven defrauded stay Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Not One by Heaven defrauded stay

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Not with a Club, the Heart is broken Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Not with a Club, the Heart is broken

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
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Recollect the Face of me Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Recollect the Face of me

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson